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Affordable Art Fair

Our world is amorphous and ever-changing. Like the heaving surface of the ocean, it is in a constant flux.

Art is a mirror of our world. It is a constant work in progress. In art where do we begin? Where do we end? In art do we trust?

This question is put to the test from the moment you enter the fair grounds as stately period columns gathered in

semicircles flank the walk way. Tall, stalwart, and imposing, do these rigid works of architectural magnitude define what art is?

Or should we instead discard our preconceived notions of what art is and should be and embrace the groundbreaking nature

of art in all its sheer glory. From spraying to chiselling, scratching to tearing, we invite you to embrace your inner free spirit and imprint something truly out of this world on our stark white terrain and period motifs. Leave your painterly techniques and tools

at the door, throw away the frameworks you were taught to follow, and embrace your inner

maverick to create something completely new.

Because that is what art is – whiteness into darkness into whiteness again; the constant addition and subtraction;

the choices we make; the surfaces we brush across and the marks we leave behind.

So go ahead. This time, the canvas truly is yours.

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